I stared out the window of our apartment in Las Vegas and wondered what in the world I was doing here. It was too hot to take the baby outside and I hadn't made friends in our new town. Reading my Bible seemed like more fun than folding laundry. The book of Ecclesiastes caught my attention. Its author was an ancient king who looked out his palace windows and declared that life was meaningless--a chase after the wind. I looked at the dishes in the sink and the cereal on the floor and I could understand the feeling. I kept reading. Nothing made King Solomon happy. Nothing brought him fulfillment. He saw all the evil and unfairness in the world and he was discouraged and confused. I considered current news events and I realized that not much had changed in our world. I was intrigued by the reality in this ancient book.
My Sunday school class led me into another biblical book. Philippians was the opposite of Ecclesiastes! Its author wrote from a prison cell, and said he was perfectly content. Paul urged his readers to rejoice and to be confident that God was working in their lives. I wondered if I too could choose to be content.
These contrasting books were my companions for several years. When the desert heat was overwhelming and discouragement knocked on my door, I would turn to God's word and find hope. I bought a study Bible, and noticed a chart in the book of John. It showed me the statements Jesus made about his identity: I am the light of the world, I am the bread of life, I am the vine. These simple words answered all the longings expressed by Solomon. They explained why Paul could proclaim, "For me to live is Christ."
I began to understand that the difference between discouragement and contentment was not so much a choice but a Person. When I am aware that my Savior is walking beside me, I am not so concerned with memories of the past or worries for the future. He is here, speaking his truth into my reality.
In my new book You are Here, you can join me in the books of Jonh, Ecclesiastes and Philippians. Come see Jesus in action. Whisper your needs and longings to him. He is here.
To order a copy, use the Contact Me form to the left of this page. The spiral bound book is 253 pages and has 12 chapters. The books are $11 each, plus shipping.
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