Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prayer Resources: Praying Scripture

Living Free: Learning to Pray God’s Word, by Beth Moore
A review at Lifeway says this study is based on Beth Moore’s books Breaking Free and Praying God’s Word, teaching readers how to “pray God’s Word back to Him.” 111 page workbook, 6 study sessions. Available at Lifeway and Amazon.

31 Day Studies from Ruth and Warren Myers:
31 Days of Prayer: Moving God’s Mighty Hand
31 Days of Praise: Enjoying God Anew
31 Days of Power: Learning to Live in Spiritual Victory
The Satisfied Heart: 31 Days of Experiencing God’s Love

Each of these books is full of Scripture-based prayers and thoughtful advice on deeper relationships with God through prayer. They make beautiful gift books as well as personal or group devotional studies. No study questions, but with a little preparation, a facilitator could lead a small group through these books, using the included scripture references for discussion. The facilitator could use a cross-reference Bible to create a more extensive discussion. The Satisfied Heart does not have quite as many prayers as the other books, but I include it here because it's my favorite gift to give to graduates. It's also very appropriate for singles and people who have recently moved or anyone seeking contentment in God. Available at Amazon.

Sacred Signposts, by Ruth J. Leamy
A practical study on the Apostle Paul’s prayers with a unique memory tool: an ancient prayer by St. Patrick. Short daily Scripture-filled segments discuss the relevance of Paul's prayer topics for our own prayers. Readers are encouraged to use the book to make their own collection of scripture prayers. Study questions and a suggested soundtrack included. All the Scripture verses are printed in the book, making it easy to study at home or on-the-go. 141 pages, 10 chapters, spiral bound. Available here.

Do you have a favorite book about praying Scripture? Please leave me a comment.

With the exception of my own book, I have no material connection to these books. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL CONNECTION:

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