Sunday, November 1, 2009

Prayer Resources: Studies of Specific Prayer Topics

Stormie Omartian’s Power of Praying books
Power of a Praying Woman, Power of a Praying Wife, Power of a Praying Husband, Power of a Praying Parent, Power of a Praying Teen, Power of Praying for Your Adult Children
These books are detailed guides to praying for yourself and the various people in your life. Solid practical advice and scriptures with lots of prayers to use as is or rephrase to fit your situation. Available at Amazon and Lifeway. Workbooks and Leader Guides for several of these studies are available at Lifeway.

Praying in Color, by Sybil MacBeth
If you are artistic, if you are easily distracted while praying or if you just find it helpful to journal or doodle while you pray, you’ll love this book: it’s a practical guide to making prayer visual and staying focused. It's a simple but powerful concept that you can easily personalize. After reading this book, I keep stencils by my prayer journal, my friend has colored pencils in her kitchen and another friend keeps crayons in the car. 110 pages, with suggestions for teaching this material to groups. At Amazon. You can see samples of how I use this book here.

Praying the Names of Jesus, by Ann Spangler
26 week daily devotional guide to using the Names of Jesus in your prayers, and becoming more acquainted with your Savior. Lots of Scripture, historical background and personal testimony. Study questions included. 374 pages. Available at Lifeway and Amazon.
Also available from Ann Spangler: Praying the Names of God and Immanuel, Praying the Names of God through the Christmas Season (Christmas-themed excerpts from her other books--a great gift).

Sacred Sorrow: Reaching out to God in the Lost Language of Lament,
by Michael Card
A beautiful reminder that prayer is not always joyful, this book shows us the prayers of lament in Job, Psalms and the Prophets, and tells us how to pray through the dark times of our lives. 23 chapters, 207 pages, at Amazon. A thoughtful gift or a resource for study leaders. No study questions, but an additional book Sacred Sorrow Experience Guide provides them.

A Prayer Journey with the Apostle Paul, by Michael Green
This 60 day devotional shows us “the essence of Paul’s prayers in meditation, petition, and praise—earnestly seeking God’s guidance, confident in the Spirit, unremitting in requests for the spiritual growth of others and overflowing with thankfulness.” This book is meant for personal study and it would enhance any other study on prayer. No study questions, 144 pages, at Amazon.

The Prayer of Jesus: The Promise and Power of Living in the Lord’s Prayer,
by Ken Hemphill
This book shows us the Lord’s Prayer and how we can use it as a pattern for our own prayers. It's a fascinating look at the commitments we are making to the Lord when we pray this prayer. 6 chapters, no study questions. 104 pages, at Amazon and Lifeway.

Do you have a favorite book about prayer? Please leave me a comment.


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