Thursday, December 20, 2012

Breakfast on the Beach

In Margaret Feinberg's soon-to-be-released book Wonderstruck, she shares a special prayer in which she asked the Lord to show her His wonder. She uses a unique phrase as she asks for a new and childlike awareness of the wonder of God's presence. (You'll have to read the book to get the whole story!) As I read Margaret's prayer experience, I immediately understood.

Because I too have a simple prayer for an awareness of God.

Mine is "Please, Lord, make me breakfast on the beach."

In John 21, the risen Lord Jesus appeared to His disciples by the sea. They'd been fishing all night and they were weary. Jesus made their breakfast and they all sat on the beach and ate fish together.

I love the simple picture of companionship. This is what "Wonderstruck" means to me, because if I am constantly aware of God's presence and the flashes of wonder He scatters through my day, I will talk to Him and share every experience with Him.

Four years ago when we traveled North for my Dad's memorial service, I knew it was going to be a long trip. I knew there were lots of details to take care of, lots of people to see, and we would be a thousand miles from home with three small children in the minivan. So I prayed, "Please, Lord, make me breakfast on the beach." I was too tired to come up with an eloquent prayer. I knew what I meant. God knew what I meant.

And He answered. That was a joyful trip.

As I read Wonderstruck, I said, "Hey! I've prayed like that!"

And soon I said, "Why did I stop praying like that?"

Wonderstruck called me back to the practice of asking God for a greater wonder at the fact of His presence with me.

Learn more about Wonderstruck and Margaret's other books at

You can follow Margaret’s snarky, funny, and inspirational posts on TwitterFacebook  or her blog . You can learn more about this great book by visiting where she’s offering some crazy promos right now with up to $300 of free stuff. I’ve seen the book for as low as $7.57 ($14.99 retail) on Barnes & Noble  for all you savvy shoppers.  

photo credit: puliarf via photopin cc

1 comment:

  1. love that prayer--never thought of asking for a beach breakfast before!
