Monday, August 2, 2010

Book Giveaway: Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time

I have an extra copy of Catherine Martin's Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time. It's practically new. Catherine Martin's books are always encouraging and practical, filled with scripture and godly advice. From the back cover:

Are you enjoying the closeness with God you desire? Are your prayer times
transforming your life from the inside out? Are you sensing God speaking to you
through your Bible reading?

Now you can join Catherine Martin on an exciting 30-day journey to discover
how to really have a quiet time. She provides effective, practical steps you can
take to go deeper with God...

I'm giving this book away on Friday. Between now and then, leave me a comment with the title of your favorite devotional book. One of the commenters will win this book.


  1. My favorite devotional book isn't my favorite so much because of what's inside of it, or because of who wrote it, as much as because of who gave it to me. Or, should I say, because of who gave it back to me.

    During the Christmas holidays of 1994, while busily shopping for those last minute gifts, I realized that I hadn't yet finished my grandmother's gift package. I'd purchased perfume for her (and annual tradition) and I'd found a lovely scarf...but I needed just one more thing. I didn't know what, exactly, but it had to fall within a certain price range and it had to be close to where I stood at that moment--I was tired and ready to go home.

    I just happened to glance up and catch sight of the bookstore in the mall where I was finishing up shopping. I rushed over, found the first book that looked like it might fit the bill, paid for it and went home to crumble in a heap on the sofa. I'm not sure I even knew what I'd bought until the next day--wrapping day.

    The book I bought was BELOVED, From God's Heart to Yours, by Kay Arthur. Not exactly my cup of tea, I thought--she's a little heavy handed for me--but I knew Grandma would love it.

    She did.

    After she passed, in 2001, the book came back to me in a box marked: ANGELA'S.

    On each and every page of that book my grandmother had written notes to me. She'd written commentaries on the individual devotionals; stories of her life that corresponded with the topic; hints about prayer, study, quiet time, serving; and every so often--on every third or fourth page--a note that says, "I love you".

    I've read the book through and through several times now. I no longer consider Kay Arthur 'heavy handed'... but, it's the ghost writer of her book--my grandmother--and her contribution that makes BELOVED my favorite Devotional Book.

  2. My favorite devotional book is Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline. It is one of my top ten best books ever and a great place to pursue a foundation in spiritual growth.

    Some books you read and love. This is one that needs to be reread and rediscovered over and over.

  3. I love Stormie Omartians Praying Thru the Bible devotions. She is one of my favorites!

  4. I like the devotional- New Every Morning: A Devotional Journey by Mel Cheatham, MD. It's a powerful devotional that helped me with the concept of starting over brand new every morning.

  5. Lissa gave me a Corrie ten Boom devotional book when I went to Mexico for my midwifery internship. I can't remember the exact name as it didn't make the move with me. I believe it was "each New Day" anyway it was exactly what I need each day.
