Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Practicing Glory: Making Worship a Priority

As I wrote Practicing Glory, it was important to me that it not become a book about how Ruth worships God. I wanted to share scriptures about worship, tell a few personal stories, and then show a wide variety of worship practices to give you ideas to refresh your spritual practices. The Bible shows us so many different personalities worshiping God in their own ways. Mary broke open a costly jar of perfume, Paul risked his life to spread the gospel, and an unnamed little boy gave Jesus his lunch.

So I posted a question on Facebook, asking my friends to join a private worship research group.

As I wrote about spiritual disciplines, I asked my friends how they put these into practice. The variety of answers was fascinating.

One week I asked my friends to fill in the blank: “When I want to make worship a priority, I ______________________________.”

Roseanne said, “I sit on my back porch and look at my tree and talk to Him.”

Christie answered, “I make reading the Word and uninterrupted prayer an even bigger priority. Sometimes I have to drive to town very late at night and sit in a restaurant with my Bible and a soda to get that uninterrupted time. With four little ones at home, it's nearly impossible to be very focused.”

Melany shared that she goes to bed early and prays herself to sleep.

Kerry is a pastor and an artist. He said, “I get away from the city and all media. I listen to music and pray in color.”

Mary answered, “I pack a snack and coffee and drive anywhere, using my Bible and my choir music to give me focus on Him. He always gives me a new direction or unlocks a knot in my neck, and I am freed to view the blessings in my life through His eyes.”

Dana said, “I go for a prayer walk. Getting outside clears my mind and I truly connect with God.”

Erica mentioned the outdoors also: “I take my kids for a ride in the car through the beautiful Black Hills. We listen to music from Sunday School and we sing. We stop along the road and take pictures of the miracles God put in this world.”

Varina reads past journal entries. “It's amazing how much I forget in even just a few days!”

Karen makes an effort to really read and ingest His word, not skim it, asking God along the way what in the world He meant by that passage, and wonder how she can put it into practice today.

Laura goes somewhere alone and quiet. “In the stillness, away from everything that is frustrating me, I can listen to God and talk to Him. I often pray a psalm of praise.”

Sara says, “I put on worship music and dance around with my kids.”

Lissa tries to find a chance to worship the Lord near water—a lake or a river.

How about you? When you want to make worship an even bigger than usual priority, what do you do?

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