Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass on Tour

I've read The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass on Tour (aged far too much to put on the cover of a book) at least three times, and it gets funnier and more poignant every time. Though the title character shares the author's name, it is a book of fiction. Adrian Plass gently pokes fun at various aspects of Christian living, but while I laugh I notice the spiritual truths he is pointing out.

It is the fifth book in a series. The first four are:
The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass, aged 37 3/4
The Theatrical Tapes of Leonard Thynn
The Horizontal Epistles of Andromeda Veal
The Sacred Diary of Adrian Plass, Christian Speaker, aged 45 3/4


1 comment:

  1. I think all of Adrian Plass's books are worth reading several times; he packs so much into them.

    The book I find funniest is, "The Theatrical Tapes of Leonard Thynn". It was obvious what was coming -- those ducks -- but still made me laugh so much that I woke my family who were all asleep upstairs.

    The book I found to be most inspiring is, "A Smile on the Face of God". Sadly I lent it to someone who never returned it, and I can't remember who. I shall have to see if I can buy it second hand, it's out of print now, and I think it would do me good to read it again ... soon.
